Monday, August 17, 2009

Bon Appetit!

I recently saw the movie Julie and Julia. I think Julia Child and I have things in common. Oh no, I am not an amazing French chef, I have never deboned a duck, and I have never sent out antique portrait Valentines to all my friends (because why celebrate v-day when it's Arizona's b-day). However, I do believe that we share a bond.

First and foremost, I am currently in the process of mastering Julia Child's is key to becoming a great chef, or baker.

Also, Julia started cooking to pass the time, she was looking for something to do. I, during a brief time of unemployment, also turned to baking to pass the time (my husband came home one day to find a mound of 5 dozen bran muffins waiting for him). But the baking soon became not a time waster, but instead, a passion, a creative outlet, if you will. Cakes, cookies, brownies, pies...I coninue to explore the wonderland of baked goods, just as Julia did with French food.

I also related to Julie (the contemporary blogger of the movie). It is mostly a strict she has a blog and so do I level. However, Julie has inspired me to continue this blog. Perhaps to have some purpose, other than stories that I find interesting or amusing. I have decided to seek out Julia Child worthy recipes that I have tested and tasted, and to post them here on my blog. Yes, it will be my own project...the Lindsay/Julie project. Maybe someday it will lead to my own baking show...The James of Cakes...

Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

alice-anne said...

okay, first of all...

i restarted my blog in order to talk about my passion for cooking as well (it quickly morphed into my weight loss/pet peeves journal, but my hopes are still high for its potential). LOVED the movie...saw many things that made me say "yup, that's me!!"

second of all, i love that you're blogging again. i think you're going to find it a good way of...ahem...passing time...when you're supposed to be working on other things.

maybe we can share recipes, although mine are mostly quick and healthy dinner recipes instead of baking (although that's why we broaden horizons!!). started here today, too, and i was in the student center after chapel and thought i heard you at java city. alas, it was not you, but i had flashbacks of grabbing coffee before diction. made me miss you!