Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to school.

Recently I decided it would be a good idea to go back to school. I decided to further my education in the wonderful and complex world of music. Despite my two year education furlough, I was excited to start my graduate studies. And so, filled with excitement I dashed off to my 9 am class with "plenty of time" to get there.
Apparently, at large universities, there is this thing called traffic. Interesting. I pulled onto campus at 8:50 and somehow didn't make it to my building until 9:03. Also, the parking lot is metered and a line about a hundred feet long has formed to pay...the crowd and I are then forced to watch and wait as the poor girl at the front of the line rummages in her large purse for any nickel she can find. Great. But this wasn't going to get me down, I was going back to school! I was going to make a name for myself! I was going to challenge myself! I...broke my flip flop running to make it to that 9 am class.
At 9:05, I arrived at my 3rd floor Early Music History class sweating, breathing hard, and with only one shoe. And so starts my graduate career...


Ian said...

Never fear friend! I was about ten minutes late for my first graduate class too. Turns out the finding out where buildings are (and where parking is available) is a great idea. You'll be brilliant!

ECW said...

This is funny now, isn't it. :)