Monday, July 7, 2008

De pants.

As an esteemed employee of the Macaroni Grill, I have a daily routine that is supremely uneventful. Welcome the guests, seat the guests, sing an occasional Italian aria...the usual. Oh yes I do have the occasional birthday guest that asks me to sit on his lap as I sing "Tanti Aguri a Te" or others that decide to dance with me to the delightful Italian/elevator music that plays in the entrance. But normally the day is filled with plain old Italian monotony. Until this day...

This day I was going above and beyond the call of a Italian singer/hostess...I was the door opener. As I said farewell to a group of people one middle-aged, very normal looking woman came face to face with me as I held the door. And just as I was saying "Goodbye, thanks for coming in..." her pants fell down. Not just a little below her waist, no all the way to the floor. What?! Does this happen in real life?! She was wearing Khaki pants! Smile awkwardly..mumble instinct...hearty laughter. Second instinct...pity. Third instinct..."Have a nice day". After several painstaking seconds...I flew past first and second and went straight for my third instinct. The pants came back up in a flash, and the woman, as jolly as ever, strolled out the restaurant laughing and clinging tightly to her khakis. And then...I laughed.

Sometimes it's the little things that get you through the day, or in this case...the awkward, embarassing, hilarious things. That day I strolled out the restaurant as jolly as ever, clinging tightly to that thought.


Ian said...

I don't know what I would do if that were to happen--anywhere. It's hilarious and tragic all in the same moment. Congrats on being able to keep your composure!

alice-anne said...

i just read your entry out loud to my mom and we both laughed a lot. about time you return to the world of blogging!!